“Black Music Matters” Dance Party Playshop 2/25/18

There is a goosebump moment I enjoy, in my life, on a regular basis: when I lead the song “Waka Waka” in my Zumba classes, and a room full of old folks of European and Asian descent raise their arms reverently at the end as Shakira says “We are all Africa.” The same thing happens […]

On Mack Trucks and Magical Thinking

It’s Earth Day 2017 and I’m not marching; I’m meditating. As President Twit and his handlers summarily and systematically dismantle decades of incremental progress forward, we have all been struck with a feeling of violent unreality. It’s been like being hit, in slow motion, by a Mack Truck. And I know, because that happened to me. […]

Join me for “Momedy Hour!” 5/5/17 

Motherhood elevates us to the loftiest heights… …And sinks us to depths we never imagined.  I’ve been wanting to host a comedy hour for moms to share their stories since I was schlepping toddlers around like so many sacks of sentient, happy-mouthed, farting potatoes. My friends and I would crack each other up on those life-saving […]

Un Affare da Ricordare… (An Affair to Remember)

I  don’t know what was more heart stopping—the weird adventure that inspired me, the dangerous feeling of discovering new literary territory, or finding the nerve to read something “a-spicy” to an audience…. but altogether, bringing Carla White’s hot supernatural romance to life through Cosima was like stepping into an alternate universe. The “Afternoon at the Caffe Florian” Carnevale […]