Dancing—and More—with the UDHR

Every Man, Woman and Child (& Every Living Soul): The Original Musical Presentation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights came out on December 10th, 2022 the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR…. …with my name on the cover! I had the honor of telling the story of this groundbreaking community musical project by composer Merrill […]

Don’t Miss The Dirndl Diaspora!

My ancestors are either bursting with pride or rolling in their graves. My animated (storyboarded) play, The Dirndl Diaspora, is getting great reviews! This 90-minute animated/storyboarded feature-length film was written as a play + fashion show for Oaktoberfest, but 2020 decided we couldn’t have live theater, so I upshifted the whimsy. This story, about a seamstress […]

Handwashing & Heartmath

Before you read this…take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body.  By the end of this article you’ll know why I suggest this… Back in January, when the […]

On Creative Adaptation with Beth Barany

In Beth Barany’s weekly live #askaWritingCoach chat on BLAB, she interviewed me about adaptation of creative works into different media. It was great to have a chance to sit down and think through how many media The Souls of Her Feet has morphed through in its long development. (As the first in a trilogy!) Why, if I’d been […]

Invoking "Invocation!"

Check out the trailer for “Invocation,” a piano & projected poetry performance (say that ten times fast) I created in collaboration with Franz Liszt and concert pianist Daniel Finnamore. It premiered on January 17th to an amazed audience at Oakland Technical High School, invoking a new century at a centennial celebration. (Read more about it […]