The Bullying Antidote

No one wants to raise a bully! And no one wants their child to be bullied. But bullying is happening anyway—more pervasively, more indiscriminately, and in some cases more violently than ever before.

—from the introduction

Bully Antidote COVER_72The Bullying Antidote: Superpower Your Kids for Life by Dr. Louise Hart and Kristen Caven (Hazelden, 2013) provides parents with nineteen chapters of sound research and advice for building mental health in their children—”the most successful approach available to fighting violence,” according to Dr. Bruce Perry.

From the nuts and bolts of positive psychology to the mechanics of resilience, plus the brain science behind trauma, temper tantrums, and connection, this book provides answers to questions like “where does bullying come from?” and “how do we stop it as a society?” Six other chapters provide a social context for bullying, teach practical ways to respond to it, and explore ways to stop it in schools.

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“You can stop looking now. If you are looking for the definitive book on bullying, you have found it. In fact, this book is so comprehensive, it covers societal factors, parenting styles, childhood development, self-esteem, emotional intelligence, brain science, best practices in schools, communication, and family dynamics – and all of the ways these factors contribute to the cause – and then the solution – to Bullying.” — Kristin L. Roush, Ph.D., Life Coach, Psychology Professor Central New Mexico Community College

Although antidotes to bullying can come from many sources, the authors add a spin of fun into the book for parents of young children, creating a new superpower called Zorgos that encompasses them all, as a starting point for the conversation.

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The ZORGOS READER provides links to the studies, articles, books and blogs that inspired and informed The Bullying Antidote; discussion questions for each chapter; upcoming author events; and blog posts with more news and resources.

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Ask us about workshops based on The Bullying Antidote for parents of teachers of pre-schoolers to teens!

Read about The Zorgos Project... a city-wide give-away of this book to 3000 parents!

And check out the Mayoral Proclamation of Zorgos Day on October 15, 2016.

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6 thoughts on “The Bullying Antidote

  1. Pingback: Kristen Caven

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